Since you are looking at our web site the chances are that you care about the quality of the sound you listen to and the pictures you watch. It may not surprise you to know that many of the display and audio products on the market don’t actually perform as well as they could, because calibration is not carried out very well in the factory. In many cases TVs are deliberately set up to look extra colourful, so that they stand out when displayed in retail outlets. This may help to sell them to the average customer, but our clients tend to want the images and sound to be seen and heard as the director or musicians intended. The two founders of UK home cinemas are experienced broadcast engineers who worked together as staff at Sony, delivering system integration projects in the broadcast industry where correct calibration of displays and cameras etc is of paramount importance.

We apply this experience to check and correct the calibration of display devices and audio systems. The adjustments we make are those which are available in the extended user menus, we check and adjust these using HD test patterns and audio test tones.

The result is that your equipment will produce images and sound at the pinnacle of it’s capabilities i.e. as the director or musicians intended.

UK Home Cinemas