Why have the projector hanging down?
The Home cinema projectors which we recommend, invariably have a feature known as optical lens shift. This allows the image position to be moved up, down , left or right without introducing any distortion to the shape of the projected image. This makes it possible to position the projector significantly higher (or lower) than the top of the screen. These projectors can therefore be installed significantly above the height of the top of the screen, without needing to use any of the dreaded keystone correction and you can still achieve perfect image geometry with the projector perfectly horizontal.
So why have the projector hanging down on an ugly industrial looking mount? We think it’s much better to position it directly on the ceiling on using an extra slim flush projector bracket.
The majority of the home cinema installations which we have completed make use of these flush projector brackets.
We also have ultra low profile flush projector brackets in stock to fit other top brand home cinema projectors. These low profile flush projector bracket mounts are designed to provide a few degrees of adjustable horizontal tilt in all directions. This is beneficial if your ceiling isn’t perfectly level (as is often the case).
If you decide to purchase a home cinema projector from UK Home cinemas, we will include a long HDMI cable as well as a projector bracket to suit the particular requirements of your room. This offer includes the low profile flush projector bracket. We will also deliver the projector and install it for you.
Our super low profile flush projector brackets position the projector just 23mm from the ceiling. The Specialist installation service is included in our published prices for home cinema projectors. This service is available over an extensive part of the country. It is a careful high quality service as can be seen from the reviews on google+ and on freeindex as well as the customer testimonials on this web site.
Competitive packages are available for projection screens , AV receivers , speakers etc when ordered with a projector. Please call to discuss your exact requirements.